
Thursday, 10 December 2015

Do You Have Trouble Saying ‘No’?

Are you a people pleaser? If so, maybe you can relate to this: There’s a constant battle going on in my life. Between wanting to take on new commitments, and trying to stay true to old commitments. I’m bombarded with people asking me to do things, offering me new opportunities… and I want to say ‘yes’ to everyone. But the more I say ‘yes,’ the more crowded my life gets with new commitments.

And the more crowded my life gets, the harder it gets to stay true to old commitments. And before long, it becomes challenging to stay true to any commitments. So what do you do about that? You start here: Remind yourself that you have limited time.

Every time you say “yes,” you’re giving away some of your time. And the more time you give away… The less time you have. To spend on other things. As some wise person once said, “you have the time to do anything you want, just not everything you want.”

So figure out what you really want. And then only choose those activities that help you get there the fastest. MTTB is a new opportunity. Which means that in order to say ‘yes’ to it, you’ll have to say ‘no’ to a number of other things. It’s going to take time to go through the 21 steps. Time you could spend doing other things.

It costs $49 to sign up. But if you’re looking for:
-more work-life balance
-more time with family
-less commute
-more income…it just might be worth it to say ‘yes.’ Think so? Join thousands of entrepreneurs who do:

Click here to find out more.


Monday, 21 September 2015

A “Roundabout” Way to Make Thousands Every Week

Imagine this. (If you have to.) You are driving to work. You are stressed because you are running late and you tried a new way to work to make up for it. As you drive like crazy to make it to the office you wonder why you are cutting people off and breaking the law for a job you don’t even like.

Then you hit a wall of traffic and see a sign that says “construction next 10 miles.” Sound familiar? Here’s the good news. If you read to the end of this email you will have a solution for your job and all that damn traffic. The answers are in Carmel, Indiana.

Carmel recently replaced all of their stop light intersections with roundabouts and their construction costs have dropped $125,000. That means less construction for you to be stuck in. Not only that but drivers there save 24K gallons a year with every roundabout built and the total accident rate has dropped 80%.

So now you know if you want to avoid construction traffic all you have to do is move to Carmel or anywhere there are more roundabouts than stop lights. But how does this help your job? If you challenge the norm (a desk job) the results can be incredible. Try this on for size. this is a system that will allow you to work online and make great money every week. It’s not your traditional job but the benefits are not traditional either.

This system is so simple you will ask why you haven’t though of it yourself. You place ads online and receive the sales commissions. That’s it. That means millions of chances to make money. And boy does it make money. Matt himself made $51,373,00 over 5 years and it’s not just because he was the one who made the system. Matt’s company has sent out over $25 million in commissions to people who were bold enough to challenge the norm.

It gets better though. As a member of the MTTB you will never have to create an ad and never have to deal with long customer service calls. And all it takes to master the MTTB system is 30 minutes a day with your personal coach who will guide you until you are ready to make serious money.
The catch? You pay $49 to join. But.

If you don’t make a commission within 30 days of finishing your training you will get a check for $500. That means if you don’t make a commission you will get your money back times 10.
So there you go. Now you know how to get away from construction and your desk job. You have the knowledge. If you are ready to use it. Click Here.


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Why Playing it Safe is the Most Dangerous Move

A very short, but every important message today. Something I need to get off my chest. One of the most common objections I hear when I ask people why they haven’t started their own business is…
“I just want to play it safe, right now.” And I shake my head in disbelief every time I hear it.

  • How can you believe working a “regular” job is safe after what happened in 2008?
  • How can you believe putting your security in someone else’s hands is safe?
  • How can you believe that an income that could be eliminated overnight is safe?
  • How can you believe that a job that a young person is willing to do for half the salary is safe?
  • How can you believe that a job that could be outsourced to someone oversees for one-tenth the salary is safe?
I prefer to go with Helen Keller. Helen said… Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. In other words, you’re just as likely to fail “playing it safe” as you are “playing it bold.” But one offers great rewards.

  • One offers freedom.
  • One offers great wealth.
  • One offers adventure.
  • One offers pride and accomplishment beyond measure.
  • One offers a life of luxury.
  • Nobody ever achieved anything great playing it safe.
Nobody. Which way will you play it? Get started on your adventure here…


How to deal with too much information

A lot can happen in 60 seconds. For example. Every 60 seconds, 571 new websites are created.
Which means that every hour 34,260 new websites are created. Which means that every year 300,117,600 new websites are created…which is a LOT. Of websites. And information.
If you’ve ever tried starting a business… and especially if you’ve tried navigating the ENDLESS ocean of Internet Marketing wisdom… you’ll know that there’s a lot of information out there.

In fact, there’s too much. Way too much. Everyone has a different opinion, a different method, a new trick… Where do you even start? How do you figure out what’s right and what’s wrong, true and false, effective and ineffective? It’s overwhelming, trying to wade through all that information.
this business  makes it easier. A LOT easier.

It lays it out for you. Selects the information. Focuses you on a single tried and true method. It’s the same method that’s made this company one of the fastest growing in the industry. He’s already paid out over $25,000,000 in commissions. You can sign up for $49. …all ye who feel overwhelmed.
You who just can’t figure out where to start, who to trust, what works, what doesn’t…
this business does the hard work for you. Brings all the best information into one place for your convenience.

Start here:


Why you need to stop living with an ‘employee’ mindset

In a recent conversation, my friend said something really profound. I don’t think I’ll forget it:
“Your life is like a business.” I was confused at first. But my friend explained: “Depending on how you live your life, it can grow. It can crash. It can flourish. Other people invest in it. It can be used to meet other people’s needs… or for your own profit.”

I stopped and thought about it. And it struck me—how many interesting parallels there are. Between businesses, and our own lives. Then my friend asked a question: “Are you living like you’re an employee, or an owner?” THAT made me think. I’ve met lots of people who don’t really own their lives. They live like their lives are someone else’s responsibility.

They live with an ‘employee’ mindset. When things aren’t going well, they blame. They complain. They don’t do anything to change the situation. Because, in their minds, their lives aren’t really theirs. They’re just employees.…but then there are owners.

These people are different. When their lives start going downhill, they take responsibility. They look for ways to improve. To change. To solve the problem. Because they know that it’s their life So what about you? Are you owning your life? Or are you just accepting the things you hate about your life.

-the long commute
-the lousy work
-the rat race
-the financial difficulties…

as if it’s not up to you to change things? What are you waiting for? You’re the owner. Take charge. Make a change.

Start here:

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